Section 22-2-102.2. Contents of petition  

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  •    The petition referred to in Code Section 22-2-102.1 shall set forth:

       (1) The facts showing the right to condemn;

       (2) The property or interest to be taken or damaged;

       (3) The names and residences of the persons whose property or interests are to be taken or otherwise affected, so far as known;

       (4) A description of any unknown persons or classes of unknown persons whose rights in the property or interest are to be affected;

       (5) A statement setting forth the necessity to condemn the private property and describing the public use for which the condemnor seeks the property; and

       (6) Such other facts as are necessary for a full understanding of the cause.
Ga. L. 1957, p. 387, § 4; Code 1981, § 22-2-102.2, enacted by Ga. L. 1983, p. 3, § 16.1; Ga. L. 2006, p. 39, § 10/HB 1313.