Section 10-1-812. Written notice of warranty supplied by manufacturer and presented by dealer to consumer at time of purchase  

Latest version.
  •    The manufacturer must supply to the dealer and the dealer must present directly to the consumer at the time of purchase a written notice stating, in ten-point all-capital type, in substantially the following form:
          "This equipment is subject to Article 29 of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, entitled the 'Farm Tractor Warranty Act.' To be entitled to a refund or replacement, you must first notify the manufacturer or its agent and the authorized dealer which was a party to the sale of the problem in writing and give them an opportunity to repair the equipment.
     Manufacturer            Agent              Dealer                            
     -------------           ------             -------                           
     Name                    Name               Name                              
     Address                 Address            Address                           
     Telephone               Telephone          Telephone                         
      number                  number             number"                          
Code 1981, § 10-1-812, enacted by Ga. L. 1991, p. 419, § 1.